Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

The LEGO Group Sales Associate - Warszawa Arkadia (pół etatu) in Warsaw, Poland

Sales Associate - Warszawa Arkadia (pół etatu)

  • Location Warsaw, Poland

  • Job ID 0000021774

  • Category Retail

Job Description

Job Description

Job Description

Chcesz dostarczać inspirujących wrażeń z zakupów dla fanów LEGO® w każdym wieku?

Dołącz do zespołu sprzedaży detalicznej marki LEGO® jako Sprzedawca. Poszukujemy energicznych, entuzjastycznych osób, które dołączą do naszego zespołu na pół etatu (0,5).

Zapewnij niezapomniane doświadczenia naszym klientom poprzez bezpośrednie interakcje i zabawę!

• Ciepłe powitanie i zapewnienie inspirujących wrażeń naszym klientom w każdym wieku.

• Ustalanie indywidualnych potrzeb, prezentowanie oferty i dodatkowych korzyści z zakupu produktów LEGO.

• Oferowanie karty lojalnościowej, Shop@Home i wszelkich innych dostępnych usług.

• Współpraca z innymi sprzedawcami, w celu zapewnienia najlepszej możliwej obsługi klientom LEGO.

• Działanie zgodnie z obowiązującymi w firmie procedurami oraz wytycznymi przekazanymi przez przełożonego

• Dbałość o porządek oraz właściwą organizację zaplecza sklepu. Zapewnienie dostępności produktów na hali sklepowej.

• Rozpatrywanie skarg klientów i przekazywanie trudnych sytuacji przełożonemu.

• Przestrzeganie zasad BHP.

Czy masz to, czego potrzeba, aby inspirować i rozwijać pokolenie budowniczych jutra?

• Doświadczenie w handlu detalicznym mile widziane, ale nie jest konieczne.

• Bycie ambasadorem marki i wartości, które reprezentuje firma LEGO.

• Doskonałe umiejętności obsługi klienta.

• Bardzo dobre umiejętności organizacyjne i komunikacyjne.

• Znajomość obsługi komputera jest atutem.

• Doświadczenie w pracy z dziećmi mile widziane.

• Gotowość do pracy w elastycznych godzinach, w tym również wieczorami i w weekendy.

Dołącz do globalnej rodziny

Jeśli masz to, czego potrzeba, aby odnieść sukces w tej roli, użyj przycisku APLIKUJ TERAZ.

Dodatkowe informacje:

Stanowisko to obejmuje średnio 40 godzin pracy tygodniowo. Poszukujemy kandydata, który jest w stanie pracować w elastycznych godzinach zarówno w dni powszednie, jak i w weekendy. Aplikując, podaj proszę swoją dostępność.

Uczyń to rzeczywistością

Dzieci są dla nas wzorem do naśladowania. Ich ciekawość, kreatywność i wyobraźnia inspirują wszystko co robimy. Dążymy do stworzenia zróżnicowanej, dynamicznej i integracyjnej kultury zabawy w Grupie LEGO, w której każdy czuje się bezpieczny, ceniony i na właściwym miejscu.

Grupa LEGO jest dumna z tego, że zapewnia równe szanse i działa zgodnie z zasadami akcji afirmacyjnej. Zależy nam na równych szansach zatrudnienia bez względu na rasę, kolor skóry, pochodzenie, religię, płeć, narodowość, orientację seksualną, wiek, obywatelstwo, stan cywilny, niepełnosprawność, tożsamość płciową lub status weterana.

Wspieramy naszych pracowników w uczestniczeniu w ważnych chwilach w życiu i celebrujemy wszelkiego rodzaju rodziny, a także bliskich, którzy czynią nas tym, kim jesteśmy. Bycie częścią Grupy LEGO oznacza również udział w naszym dorocznym Dniu Zabawy, udział w budowaniu zrównoważonej przyszłości i kontynuowanie naszej misji „inspirowania i rozwijania budowniczych jutra”.

Grupa LEGO jest w pełni zaangażowana w ochronę praw dzieci i dobrostanu dzieci na całym świecie.

Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis. However, please note we do amend or withdraw our jobs and reserve the right to do so at any time, including prior to any advertised closing date. So, if you're interested in this role we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

What’s in it for you?

Here is what you can expect:

Family Care Leave - We offer enhanced paid leave options for those important times.

Insurances – All colleagues are covered by our life and disability insurance which provides protection and peace of mind.

Wellbeing - We want our people to feel well and thrive. We offer resources and benefits to nurture physical and mental wellbeing along with opportunities to build community and inspire creativity.

Colleague Discount – We know you'll love to build, so from day 1 you will qualify for our generous colleague discount.

Bonus - We do our best work to succeed together. When goals are reached and if eligible, you'll be rewarded through our bonus scheme.

Workplace - When you join the team you'll be assigned a primary workplace location i.e. one of our Offices, stores or factories. Our hybrid work policy means an average of 3 days per week in the office. The hiring team will discuss the policy and role eligibility with you during the recruitment process.

Children are our role models. Their curiosity, creativity and imagination inspire everything we do. We strive to create a diverse, dynamic and inclusive culture of play at the LEGO Group, where everyone feels safe, valued and they belong.

The LEGO Group is highly committed to equal employment opportunity and equal pay and seeks to encourage applicants from all backgrounds (eg. sex, gender identity or expression, race/ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, age and religion) to apply for roles in our team.

Research shows that women and people from different underrepresented backgrounds often only apply for a job if they meet 100% of the listed qualifications. For all candidates, if you dream of being a part of our team and you meet many, but not all of our listed qualifications for this role, please apply.

The LEGO Group is fully committed to Children’s Rights and Child Wellbeing across the globe. Candidates offered positions with high engagement with children are required to take part in Child Safeguarding Background Screening, as a condition of the offer.

Thank you for sharing our global commitment to Children’s Rights.

Just imagine building your dream career.

Then make it real.

Join the LEGO® team today.

Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis. However, please note we do amend or withdraw our jobs and reserve the right to do so at any time, including prior to any advertised closing date. So, if you're interested in this role we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

What’s in it for you?

Here is what you can expect:

Family Care Leave - We offer enhanced paid leave options for those important times.

Insurances – All colleagues are covered by our life and disability insurance which provides protection and peace of mind.

Wellbeing - We want our people to feel well and thrive. We offer resources and benefits to nurture physical and mental wellbeing along with opportunities to build community and inspire creativity.

Colleague Discount – We know you'll love to build, so from day 1 you will qualify for our generous colleague discount.

Bonus - We do our best work to succeed together. When goals are reached and if eligible, you'll be rewarded through our bonus scheme.

Workplace - When you join the team you'll be assigned a primary workplace location i.e. one of our Offices, stores or factories. Our hybrid work policy means an average of 3 days per week in the office. The hiring team will discuss the policy and role eligibility with you during the recruitment process.

Children are our role models. Their curiosity, creativity and imagination inspire everything we do. We strive to create a diverse, dynamic and inclusive culture of play at the LEGO Group, where everyone feels safe, valued and they belong.

The LEGO Group is highly committed to equal employment opportunity and equal pay and seeks to encourage applicants from all backgrounds (eg. sex, gender identity or expression, race/ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, age and religion) to apply for roles in our team.

Research shows that women and people from different underrepresented backgrounds often only apply for a job if they meet 100% of the listed qualifications. For all candidates, if you dream of being a part of our team and you meet many, but not all of our listed qualifications for this role, please apply.

The LEGO Group is fully committed to Children’s Rights and Child Wellbeing across the globe. Candidates offered positions with high engagement with children are required to take part in Child Safeguarding Background Screening, as a condition of the offer.

Thank you for sharing our global commitment to Children’s Rights.

Just imagine building your dream career.

Then make it real.

Join the LEGO® team today.

Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis. However, please note we do amend or withdraw our jobs and reserve the right to do so at any time, including prior to any advertised closing date. So, if you're interested in this role we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

What’s in it for you?

Here is what you can expect:

Family Care Leave - We offer enhanced paid leave options for those important times.

Insurances – All colleagues are covered by our life and disability insurance which provides protection and peace of mind.

Wellbeing - We want our people to feel well and thrive. We offer resources and benefits to nurture physical and mental wellbeing along with opportunities to build community and inspire creativity.

Colleague Discount – We know you'll love to build, so from day 1 you will qualify for our generous colleague discount.

Bonus - We do our best work to succeed together. When goals are reached and if eligible, you'll be rewarded through our bonus scheme.

Workplace - When you join the team you'll be assigned a primary workplace location i.e. one of our Offices, stores or factories. Our hybrid work policy means an average of 3 days per week in the office. The hiring team will discuss the policy and role eligibility with you during the recruitment process.

Children are our role models. Their curiosity, creativity and imagination inspire everything we do. We strive to create a diverse, dynamic and inclusive culture of play at the LEGO Group, where everyone feels safe, valued and they belong.

The LEGO Group is highly committed to equal employment opportunity and equal pay and seeks to encourage applicants from all backgrounds (eg. sex, gender identity or expression, race/ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, age and religion) to apply for roles in our team.

Research shows that women and people from different underrepresented backgrounds often only apply for a job if they meet 100% of the listed qualifications. For all candidates, if you dream of being a part of our team and you meet many, but not all of our listed qualifications for this role, please apply.

The LEGO Group is fully committed to Children’s Rights and Child Wellbeing across the globe. Candidates offered positions with high engagement with children are required to take part in Child Safeguarding Background Screening, as a condition of the offer.

Thank you for sharing our global commitment to Children’s Rights.

Just imagine building your dream career.

Then make it real.

Join the LEGO® team today.
