Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

Wabtec Corporation Warehouse Operator in Skopje, Macedonia

Wabtec Corporation is a leading global provider of equipment, systems, digital solutions and value-added services for freight and transit rail. Drawing on nearly four centuries of collective experience across Wabtec, GE Transportation and Faiveley Transport, the company has unmatched digital expertise, technological innovation, and world-class manufacturing and services, enabling the digital-rail-and-transit ecosystems. Wabtec is focused on performance that drives progress, creating transportation solutions that move and improve the world. Wabtec has approximately 27,000 employees in facilities throughout the world. Visit the company’s new website at: http://www.WabtecCorp.com .

It’s not just about your career… or your job title…it’s about who you are and the impact you are going to make on the world. Do you want to go into uncharted waters…do things that haven’t been done to make yours and someone else's life better? Wabtec has been doing that for decades and we will continue to do so! Through our people, leadership development, services, technology and scale, Wabtec delivers better outcomes for global customers by speaking the language of industry.


За позицијата:

Спроведува и надгледува спроведување на активности на складирање и сортирање и известува за состојби во магацини.

Главни одговорности:

  • Чита и применува техничка документација.

  • Подготвува материјали, готова, стока, алат за реализација на работниот налог, пакува и врши испорака на готови производи.

  • Подредува, сортира, пакува и обележува алати, материјали, делови и готови производи.

  • Надгледува товарење и истоварање на материјали, опрема и производи.

  • Одговара за навремено и прецизно складирање, сортирање и издавање на складираната роба.

  • По потреба извршува и други работни операции.


Минимални барања: Машински техничар, електро-техничар или друго образование со соодветна обука или искуство. Задолжително познавање на Македонски јазик.

Предност: Најмалку 1 година слично работно искуство

*Само кандидатите кои ќе влезат во потесен избор ќе бидат контактирани за интервју.

**Со поднесување на Вашата апликација за вработување (CV), потврдувате дека сте согласни Вашите лични податоци да бидат чувани во база и обработувани за намена за сегашно или идно вработување од страна на ВАБТЕК МЗТ АД Скопје или од трето лице ангажирано за таа цел согласно Закон. Доколку не сте согласни, Ве молиме тоа да го наведете во апликацијата.


Position Summary :

Conducts and oversees the implementation of storage and sorting activities and reports on warehouse conditions.

Major Responsibilities:

• Reads and applies technical documentation

• Prepares materials, finished goods, tools for work order execution, packages and delivers finished products

• Sort, pack and label tools, materials, parts and finished products

• Oversees the loading and unloading of materials, equipment and products

• Responsible for timely and precise storage, sorting and dispensing of stored goods.

• Performs other work operations as needed.


Minimum Requirements: Machine or electro technician or other education with related training or experience. Macedonian language is a must.

Advantage : min. 1 year related work experience

*Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview

**By submitting your application (CV), you confirm that you agree with your personal data being kept and processed for the purpose of present or future employment by WABTEC MZT AD Skopje or a third party engaged for that purpose in accordance with the Law. If you do not agree, please state this in the application.

Wabtec Corporation is committed to taking on the world’s toughest challenges. In order to fulfill that commitment we rely on a culture of leadership, diversity and inclusiveness. We aim to employ the world’s brightest minds to help us create a limitless source of ideas and opportunities. We believe in hiring talented people of varied backgrounds, experiences and styles…people like you! Wabtec Corporation is committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity or expression, or protected Veteran status. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know.
