Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

Sioux City Community School District Preschool Teacher - Head Start in Sioux City, Iowa

Job Details

Job ID: 3799480

Job Description

  • Iowa teaching license required

  • Early Childhood endorsement required

  • Demonstrates competence in classroom management and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

  • Design lesson plans following Iowa Early Learning Standards, Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and curricula guidelines

  • Proficient in the demonstration of research-based instructional practices for early childhood

  • Knowledge of Differentiated Instruction and classroom application

  • Analyze data to align assessment with instruction

  • Creates a classroom culture that supports learning of every student based upon a positive growth mindset for self and students

  • Able to effectively communicate, collaborate, and problem solve to plan for the academic and behavioral needs of students

  • Experience with Diverse Student Populations preferred

  • Able to work on a team, serving a diverse student population

  • High expectations of self and students with a daily sense of urgency for student learning

Position Type: Not provided

Positions Available: 1

Job Categories

Administrator, Principal/Dean/Head of School

Classroom Teacher, Preschool

Equal Opportunity Employer

All employers submitting a job opening for posting on the Teach Iowa system will not discriminate in hiring on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, marital status, or status as a veteran. A bona fide religious institution may choose to exercise the allowances in Iowa Code section 216.6.(6)d. Employers may have additional developed specific equal employment opportunity policies and procedures; please check with employers.
