Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

Sequim Education Foundation Executive Director in Sequim, Washington

Sequim Education Foundation

Executive Director Job Description


Employment Status: ?Monthly Salary Range:

Half-time (approximately 80 hrs/mo)$2400 - $2600


Reports to: Sequim Education Foundation Board of Directors


Qualifications and Experience:

• Successful fundraising experience including grant writing and donor development/stewardship.

• Non-profit management experience a plus.

• Competency with budget development and monitoring.

• Competency in developing and maintaining website and social media presence

• Excellent oral and written communication skills and administrative capabilities including computer literacy in G-suite and Office suite.

• Interpersonal skills to facilitate a collaborative working environment and buildrelationships with the Board, donors, school district and community stakeholders.


Primary Job Functions

• Coordinate the development of Board meeting agendas and materials and disseminate them to Board members prior to monthly meetings and annual Board retreat.

• Maintain Foundation records and files, both digital and physical, including archives.

• Schedule periodic review of organization's policies and procedures including recommended changes at Board meetings.

• Assist in the development and implementation of strategic plan, including assessment of and progress towards strategic goals.  

• Assist in the recruitment, development, and retention of a high-performing, motivated volunteer Board.

• Develop and implement communications and marketing strategies to elevate the Foundation's presence in the community, including press releases, social media presence and website management.

• Cultivate donors and expand donor development to support existing and future programs.

• Support and participate in all fundraising activities including grant writing, events and community outreach to other nonprofit organizations.

• Develop Foundation's budget in close cooperation with Treasurer.

• Maintain a collaborative relationship with the Sequim School District administration.

• Support existing Foundation programs as needed


Resume & letter of interest may be sent to sequimeducationfoundation@gmail.com.[]{#_heading=h.gjdgxs}


