Job Information
Monroe County, NY Laborer, Seasonal - Pro Shop/Outside Operations - Golf Course in Rochester, New York
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Laborer, Seasonal - Pro Shop/Outside Operations - Golf Course
Location: Rochester, NY
Title: Laborer, Seasonal - Pro Shop/Outside Operations - Golf Course
Deadline: Until Filled
Salary: $17.36 - $20.51 per hour
Agency/Dept.: Parks
Description of Duties
Duties include point of sale operations, checking in and interacting with customers, answering phone calls, scheduling tee times, cleaning bathrooms, washing golf carts, picking driving range and other duties assigned by Head Golf Professional or Director of Golf.
Minimum Qualifications
S pec i al R eq u i r e men t s :
P ossess i on of a v a li d Cl ass * D * O pe r a t o r' s li c ense i ssued by t he N e w Y o r k S t a t e D epa r t m e nt o f M o t or V eh i c l es at t i m e o f appo i n tm e n t .
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