Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

Idaho Employer Farmworkers in Parma, Idaho

This job was posted by https://idahoworks.gov : For more information, please see: https://idahoworks.gov/jobs/2331355

Dates of Need: 4/15/2025-11/15/2025. Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of onions, wheat, corn, sugar beets and hops. Most of the work activities during the overall contract period will be related to general farm work, irrigation and crop production.\ Employees will apply techniques as instructed by the employer when carrying out the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach, and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment/trucks to till and/or disk soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, spray and harvest crops; make mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; move hand lines/pipe for irrigation; may mix and/or spray chemicals (according to appropriate restrictive use laws, when/if applicable); remove undesirable and excess growth from crops, farm grounds; perform general cleanup/maintenance of farm areas, corrugates, and ditches surrounding fields; drive, load/unload farm trucks and Ag exempt, non CDL semi/10-wheel trucks; transport crops to onsite storage facilities; operate vehicle, motor bike, or all-terrain vehicle in the course of performing duties; maintain/repair fencing. Assist our main mechanics in the maintenance shop; workers possessing the proper licensure may be asked to transport other farm workers.\ Drip Irrigation: walk behind tractor to install and lay drip irrigation equipment in fields, move hoses, remove drip irrigation and layflat from fields prior to harvest; ensure layflat spools correctly when removing from field; maintain/repair drip irrigation; flush lines.\ Corn job description: de-tassel corn.\ Onion job descriptions: plant onions by walking behind tractors, observe the planter (unclog planter if necessary); weed onions using farm hand tools to remove weeds from fields; general tool use to build/repair bins; measure/cut wood to proper length; place wood on jigs; nail using air gun; dump onion bags into bins; operate heister for stacking bins; drive onion truck and haul onion bins.\ Onion Harvesting: hand harvest onions; clip ends off onions and toss the tops back in the field; place in bags and lay in field to mature; even rows for harvest; gather bagged onions from field and transfer onions into bins. Remove unwanted debris from binning line; drive/operate equipment to stack/organize bins at onion storage.

Instruction, training, and general supervision will be provided by the farm operator or a designated employee. However, the worker must perform required duties without close supervision and listen to, understand, and follow simple instructions of the employer or supervisor. The worker will be required to return worn out tools, supplies, and equipment before new ones will be provided. Most duties are performed out of doors and entail exposure to heat, cold, dust, rain, and other environmental conditions common in\ fields, including mosquitoes during certain seasons. The worker must crouch, bend, and lift and carry items weighing up to 100 pounds in the course of performing required activities.

The worker may be offered work seven days a week, as farm work must be performed seven days a week. The worker will be required, however, to work the minimum number of hours indicated in the job listing. The worker may be offered more than the specified hours per day but is only required to work the hours specified. The worker may be requested, but will not be required, to work on his/her Sabbath and/or on Federal holidays.

Job duties may occasionally require evening shifts and/or night shifts spanning two calendar days due to crop demands. Work hours may vary and there may be periods when little or no work will be available due to weather, time of year, and the requirements of the cropping program.

Hop Production: maintain/repair trellis; including replacement f old hop poles and installation of new poles on new ground, fix/replace/install wire; prepare fields for planting; dig and tamp post holes; lay cement; install poles; line poles; drive/operate equipment to install wire and poles; put straws out in field to mark where plants will go; plant hop roots/pots; dig/cut hop roots; use compressor to blow dirt away from hop root; use cutting tool to dig hop roots; divide/bundle hop roots and place in bins; plant/replant/transport roots; attach twine between trellis and ground; drive stringing cart; ride on farm implement cart, approx. 18 ft. above the ground and hand tie twine to trellis; place metal W clips into the ground with gun; repair broken/loose twine; dampen twine; break twine bails; stack twine; train vines around twine/string; remove vines/broken strings/ weeds and excess debris from growing hop plants; haul hop poles and hop trellis tear out.\ Hop Harvest: operate top cutter/bottom cutter; load/drive farm trucks from fields to hop facilities; pick up vines left behind, cut vines with machete and load into farm trucks; unload farm trucks at stationary picking machine; grab/lift/place vines on hooks that transfer the vines from truck beds to picking apparatus; clean hop debris from work site; oversee picker program as a computer operator who checks the belts, vine transfers, and trash; operate valves on machinery to regulate vines coming down track; regulate flow of vines into picker; sweep/clean hop debris fro
