Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

South Pike School District Tutor in McComb, Mississippi

Afterschool Tutors and Summer Coaches:

The following statements 

help to 

clarify the job 


es of a RAVL Tutor.

  • Assi st with the  implementation of the Developing Reader Literacy Block (DRLB) and Emergent Reader Literacy Block (ERLB)
  • Work with the Program Coordinator to plan and/or implement an established plan for  appropriate activities  during literacy programming
  • Implement either Guided Independent Reading Practice (GIRP), Read-Aloud, Vocabulary, and Fluency-building activities (RAvFL), or Emergent Reader  acti vities during the afterschool and summer programs
  • Participate in all training related to the school-aged programs component area they will be  i mplementing ng
  • Assist with organizing the Accelerated Reader™ (AR) library, if appropr iate
  • Work with  the Program Coordinator to plan activities that they will be implementing, as needed
  • Incorporate one hour of planning time  i nto  the weekly schedule to prepare for  programming
  • Address individual children's needs under the guidance of the Program Coordinator
  • Assist in  administering pre- and post-STAR Assessments and emergent reader module assessments, as appropriate
  • Submit group attendance to the Program Coordinator as designated by  the program policy


n-School Tutors:





mplementation of 


n-school direct services.

  • Work with identified children in grades 2-6 who would benefit from small group assistance during Guided Independent Reading Practice (GIRP)
  • Work with identified emergent readers in  kindergarten and first grade who would benefit from small-group assistance during reading together activities and selected emergent reader module  activities
  • I ncorporate one hour of plann ing time  into  the weekly schedule to analyze data and prepare for programming.
  • Participate in all training related to the components of the  in-school support they will  be implementing
  • Assist in administering pre- and post-STAR Assessments and emergent reader module assessments, as appropriate
  • Submit group attendance to the Program Coordinator as designated by  the program policy

Ensure Child 

Safeguarding Policies are followed:


this role, it will be 

critical to foster an environment that 


s safe for the children with 

whom Save the Children 


s in contact. The duties to ensure this will include:

  • Collaborate with Save the Children's Lead Associate to foster an understanding of our child safeguard ing and data protection policies through ongoing trai ning and technical assistance.

Work closely with tutors to ensure consistent reporting of child safeguarding risks and incidents; strong methodology 


n the field for managing risks and follow

ing reporting protocols; supplying proper documentation 

in support of incident reports as needed, and collecting data on child safeguarding risks and efforts to mitigate risks 


n the program environment.


intentional, regular efforts to remain up-to-date on key local and state 

child welfare policies and reporting protocols.

Follow all key local and state child welfare policies and report

ing protocols, as 

provided by the Lead Associate.

In association with program tra

ining and technical assistance efforts, 

update/communicate "Keep Children Safe" 

messaging to volunteers, beneficiaries, 

and representatives as needed.

Ensure data protection by collecting consent, maintaining records for the designated period
