Job Information
Bausch Health Manager, Engineering & Maintenance in Laval, Canada
Join a team! We are a global diversified pharmaceutical company enriching lives through our relentless drive to deliver better health outcomes. We develop, manufacture and market a range of products, primarily in gastroenterology, hepatology, neurology, dermatology, medical aesthetic devices, international pharmaceuticals. Our 7,000 employees share a common goal and values, propelling us to provide essential care to millions of people globally. We seek dedicated individuals who share our sense of urgency, unity, and excellence.
We are looking for a trustworthy and respectful individual who consistently does the right thing. Someone who is imaginative and proactive, with a keen eye for what is possible. A perceptive and adaptive person who is action oriented. We need a disciplined, focused, and accountable team member. If you embody these values, come join our company and help us shape the future.
We are all in it together to make a difference. Be a part of a culture that doesn't just wait for change but actively creates itwhere your skills and values drive our collective progress and impact.
- Sommaire du poste
- Assure la gestion de son service quant la planification des activits, ressources, budget, lorganisation du travail et la gestion des quipes pour la ralisation des activits dentretien mcanique et du btiment. Assure le dveloppement et la formation du personnel et la mise en place dactions damlioration continue et de la performance
2. Fonctions principales
Est garant du bon fonctionnement du parc Machines/quipements au quotidien
Assure le respect de la politique de maintenance du site, dfinit les mthodes et les met en oeuvre.
Assure la mise en place et du suivi des oprations de maintenance avec la production
Organise et assure le suivi de la maintenance des quipements pour garantir une distribution des fluides et nergie et le maintien des oprations de production
Optimise les cots de maintenance (prventif, curatif, gestion des pices dtaches etc.)
Est garant de la gestion du programme dtalonnage des quipements
Optimise la gestion des contrats annuels avec les prestataires de services
Etudes techniques
Participe llaboration du plan directeur site dans son domaine
Initie des projets de modification et damlioration des outils de production et des services
Veille la cohrence des projets pour son secteur
Dfinit les spcifications de maintenabilit des quipements dans le cadre de cahiers de charges et de contrats de sous-traitance
Identifie les risques et propose des solutions alternatives pour assurer la continuit de production et distribution des fluides
Conoit et coordonne la mise en uvre des plans dconomie dnergie
Apporte son expertise pour valuer la conformit technique des matriels et des quipements de son service
organisation et suivi des chantiers/projets
Coordonne les travaux de modification ou dentretien
Organise et suit lavancement des travaux et assure les rceptions techniques pour son secteur
Traite les litiges ventuels jusqu la leve des rserves
Sassure de la rdaction des documentations rglementaires (permis de travaux, travail chaud, validation, qualification, demande de changements) et veille leur mise en uvre
Assure la mise en place des nouveaux quipements en collaboration avec les autres secteurs de lingnierie et les services utilisateurs
Est garant du respect des bonnes pratiques de gestion de projets, des dlais, cots, des projets dont il a charge et informe les services concerns en cas de drive
Relations Administrations /autorites
Veille au respect des obligations lgales lies son activit
Alerte en cas de dpassement et propose des actions correctives
Assure linterface avec les autorits administratives
Est linterlocuteur technique, sur son secteur, des autorits en cas daudit
Sassure de la mise en uvre des recommandations daudit
Sassure de la mise jour de la documentation technique
Reporting / Indicateurs
Communique rgulirement sur lavancement des ordres de travail, les bilans dintervention, les bilans dactivit et les projets sous sa gouverne
labore les indicateurs pertinents de mesure dactivit de son service
Veille une remonte fiable de ces indicateurs
Amlioration continue
Assure une veille technologique ("benchmarking" interne ou externe)
Identifie des axes de progrs en termes (qualit, cot, dlai, scurit, mthode de travail, outils, systmes, productivit/ efficacit/performance)
Anticipe limpact de lvolution dans les autres mtiers, ou dans lenvironnement, sur son propre mtier
Fait preuve dune dmarche damlioration continue en termes de mthodes et de fonctionnement de gestion de projets
Qualit et HSE
Sassure que les interventions techniques se font dans le respect des rgles BPF et des procdures qualit
Participe aux auto-inspections et audits
Participe la dfinition du programme damlioration qualit, le met en uvre et en assure le suivi des activits de son service
Rdige et/ou coordonne la rdaction des procdures/instructions et sassure de leur mise en application
Habilite le personnel au poste
Dcline et fait respecter la politique HSE dans son dpartement
Contribue llaboration du PASS dans son secteur et assure la mise en uvre des actions dont il a charge
Sassure de la mise en uvre effective des procdures accueil scurit dans lensemble du service
3. Responsabilits de gestion
Anime et Organise son quipe
Fixe des objectifs ses collaborateurs
Apprcie et value les contributions de ses collaborateurs et propose en consquence les promotions/ sanctions
Assure le dveloppement de ses collaborateurs notamment par la dfinition du plan de formation
Identifie les besoins de personnel et participe aux recrutements
Sassure de lefficacit du processus dintgration et de formation au sein de son dpartement
Veille entretenir un climat quotidien propice une bonne productivit des quipes
Veille au respect des politiques ressources humaines et favorise lutilisation des outils mis sa disposition.
Anticipe les besoins futurs et les recrutements ncessaires
4. Ressources (moyens) (budget, investissements)
Dfinit, met en uvre et optimise la gestion du budget de fonctionnement et dinvestissements de son dpartement et en assure le suivi
Organise ladquation des effectifs et quipements
Propose les priorits de son dpartement selon les besoins du site
Gre la mise en uvre des activits de maintenance (quipements, systmes) selon les besoins du site
Informe des actions correctives engager et des cots associs
Assure loptimisation des activits de maintenance
5. Principales relations professionnelles (internes / externes)
Assure une liaison permanente avec les services oprationnels pour obtenir / diffuser les informations techniques et les dysfonctionnements
Participe la construction du budget de maintenance des services oprationnels
change avec ses homologues du site ou des autres sites (optimisation de la rsolution de problme, des choix fournisseurs)
Assure un rle conseil lors de rsolution de problmes techniques au quotidien
Partenaires internes: Qualit, Logistique, Supply Chain, Finances, Fabrication, Conditionnement, Dveloppement des procds, Entrept
6. Connaissances et comptences requises:
a) Formation requise
Baccalaurat en ingnierie mcanique ou lectrique avec exprience pertinente en milieu pharmaceutique
Membre de lOrdre des Ingnieurs du Qubec
b) Langues
Franais et anglais
c) Exprience et connaissances particulires
Minimum 10 ans dexprience en maintenance, entretien technique, ingnierie
Minimum 5 ans dexprience en environnement pharmaceutique ou domaine connexe
Minimum 5 ans dexprience en gestion de personnel.
d) Comptences techniques spcifiques
Automatismes/ informatique industrielle
Mcanique / Electro -Mcanique
Energies et fluides (air, eau ,)
Lgislation du travail
Rglementation, quipements
1. Purpose of the position
Ensures the management of his department in terms of planning activities, resources, budget, work organization and team management for the performance of mechanical and building maintenance activities. Ensures the development and training of staff and the implementation of continuous improvement and performance actions
2. Main functions
Is responsible for the proper functioning of the Machines/Equipment fleet on a daily basis
Ensures compliance with the site's maintenance policy, defines the methods and implements them.
Ensures the implementation and monitoring of maintenance operations with production
Organizes and monitors equipment maintenance to guarantee the distribution of fluids and energy and the maintenance of production operations
Optimizes maintenance costs (preventive, curative, spare parts management, etc.)
Is responsible for managing the equipment calibration program
Optimizes the management of annual contracts with service providers
Participates in the development of the site master plan in its field
Initiates projects to modify and improve production tools and services
Ensures the consistency of projects for its sector
Defines equipment maintainability specifications within the framework of specifications and subcontracting contracts
Identifies risks and proposes alternative solutions to ensure the continuity of production and distribution of fluids
Designs and coordinates the implementation of energy saving plans
Provides its expertise to assess the technical compliance of equipment and equipment of its department
Coordinates modification or maintenance work
Organizes and monitors the progress of the work and ensures technical receptions for its sector
Handles any disputes until the reservations are lifted
Ensures the drafting of regulatory documentation (work permits, hot work, validation, qualification, change requests) and ensures their implementation
Ensures the installation of new equipment in collaboration with other engineering sectors and user services
Guarantees compliance with good project management practices, deadlines, costs, projects for which it is responsible and informs the departments concerned in the event of deviation
Ensures compliance with the legal obligations related to its activity
Alerts in the event of overruns and proposes corrective actions
Ensures the interface with the administrative authorities
Is the technical contact, in its sector, for the authorities in the event of an audit
Ensures the implementation of audit recommendations
Ensures that technical documentation is updated
Communicates regularly on the progress of work orders, intervention reports, activity reports and projects under his/her management
Develops relevant indicators for measuring the activity of his/her department
Ensures reliable reporting of these indicators
Ensures technological monitoring (internal or external benchmarking)
Identifies areas for improvement in terms of (quality, cost, deadline, safety, working method, tools, systems, productivity/efficiency/performance)
Anticipates the impact of developments in other professions, or in the environment, on his/her own profession
Demonstrates a continuous improvement approach in terms of project management methods and operations
Ensures that technical interventions are carried out in compliance with GMP rules and quality procedures
Participates in self-inspections and audits
Participates in defining the quality improvement program, implements it and monitors the activities of his department
Writes and/or coordinates the writing of procedures/instructions and ensures their implementation
Authorizes staff at the post
Declines and ensures compliance with the HSE policy in his department
Contributes to the development of the PASS in his sector and ensures the implementation of the actions for which he is responsible
Ensures the effective implementation of safety reception procedures throughout the department
3. Management responsibilities
Leads and organizes his team
Sets objectives for his collaborators
Appreciates and evaluates the contributions of his collaborators and proposes promotions/sanctions accordingly
Ensures the development of his collaborators in particular by defining the training plan
Identifies personnel needs and participates in recruitment
Ensures the effectiveness of the integration and training process within his department
Ensures to maintain a daily climate conducive to good team productivity
Ensures compliance with human resources policies and promotes the use of the tools made available to him.
Anticipates future needs and necessary recruitment
4. Resources (means) (budget, investments)
Defines, implements and optimizes the management of the operating and investment budget of his department and ensures its monitoring
Organizes the adequacy of staff and equipment
Proposes the priorities of his department according to the needs of the site
Manages the implementation of maintenance activities (equipment, systems) according to the needs of the site
Informs of corrective actions to be taken and associated costs
Ensures the optimization of maintenance activities
5. Main professional relationships (internal / external)
Ensures a permanent liaison with operational services to obtain / disseminate technical information and malfunctions
Participates in the construction of the maintenance budget of operational services
Exchanges with his counterparts on the site or other sites (optimization of problem solving, supplier choices)
Provides an advisory role when resolving technical problems on a daily basis
Internal partners: Quality, Logistics, Supply Chain, Finance, Manufacturing, Packaging, Process Development, Warehouse
6. Required knowledge and skills:
a) Required training
Bachelor's degree in mechanical or electrical engineering with relevant experience in a pharmaceutical environment
Member of the Ordre des Ingnieurs du Qubec
b) Languages
French and English
c) Specific experience and knowledge
Minimum 10 years of experience in maintenance, technical servicing, engineering
Minimum 5 years of experience in a pharmaceutical environment or related field
Minimum 5 years of experience in personnel management.
d) Specific technical skills
Automation/industrial computing
Mechanics / Electro-Mechanics
Energy and fluids (air, water, etc.)
Labor legislation
Regulations, equipment
The masculine is used in this publication without prejudice for the sake of conciseness.
Bausch Health is committed to equal employment opportunity and complies with equal employment opportunity laws in effect wherever it operates.
Bausch Health is an EEO/AA employer M/F/D/V.
Bausch Health
- Bausch Health Jobs