Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

Idaho Employer Range Livestock Worker in Hammett, Idaho

This job was posted by https://idahoworks.gov : For more information, please see: https://idahoworks.gov/jobs/2278322

Range Livestock Worker. Dates of Need: 1/1/2025-4/30/2025. Worker must have 3 months of experience with herds of 200 head of livestock or larger on the open range or pasture. One reference required.The employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in the livestock, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent the livestock from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions.\ The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant livestock from winter grazing grounds to calving grounds. Be able to identify signs of livestock going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain livestock for difficult births and able to graft orphan livestock to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of the livestock prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the livestock if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and calf/lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock from predators. Move livestock to branding grounds and assist in docking, shearing herding, branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, worming, sorting and loading onto trucks for transporting to a new range or\ transport to market. . Ability to safely rope and or catch livestock with a hook. Move livestock to summer range grounds. The worker must be able to saddle and ride a horse or mule in a safe and effective manner such as to avoid injury to self, coworkers, bystanders, or the animal itself.\ The worker may be required to shoe horses for his use. The worker must also be able to use a 4-wheeler in a safe and effective manner.\ Some work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 51% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\ The worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin.\ The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\ ***Hours worked footnote: O call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week

El trabajador debe tener 3 meses de experiencia con rebaos de 200 cabezas de ganado o mayores en el campo abierto o pastos. Se requiere una referencia. Asiste a la manada de ganado pastando en el campo o pasto. Realizar las tareas bajo la direccin del empleador. Asistir a la ganadera pastando en la gama para incluir: pastoreo de ganado en la gama mientras monta a caballo, montando ATV o caminando a pie. Observar o examinar animales por enfermedad o lesin, tratar el ganado enfermo o herido segn las instrucciones del empleador. Ayudar en la produccin de piensos para el ganado. Mantener pastos y reparar/mantener cercas para mantener a los animales en el rango/pasto asignado. Pueden realizar tareas mecnicas, la soldadura y el mantenimiento general del rancho pueden incluir tractor de conduccin. Algunos trabajos / tareas pueden ocurrir fuera del rango, pero ms del 51% del trabajo se realizar en el rango. Western Range Association y sus ranchos miembros facilitan las prcticas de buena cra de animales. Los empleados que se encuentren abusando, descuidando o abandonando ganado confiado a su cuidado pueden ser despedidos por causa. Si las acciones negligentes / abusivas de un empleado resultan en la prdida / muerte de ganado / animales o causan dao a otra persona, el empleado puede ser responsable de estas acciones. El trabajador vivir en la vivienda provista por el empleador. Dicha vivienda estar limpia y en buen estado en el momento en que se la proporcione al
