Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

Marriott Vacations Worldwide Sales Executive - German and French speaker in Estepona, Spain

Are you ready to grow your dream career while making others' vacation dreams come true? Marriott Vacations Worldwide is a world premier organization for Vacation Ownership with resorts at destinations around the globe. Join our team and help deliver unforgettable experiences that make vacation dreams come true.


Contribute to the success of the organization and sales distribution site by effectively using sales techniques and processes to convert prospective owners into purchasers as well as reload Owners. Develop relationships with prospective owners by soliciting and following up on referrals and leads. Cater the sales experience to the individual needs and preferences of each potential owner, and follow through with the sales contract process to ensure that all required paperwork and legally required documents are completed accurately

and in a timely manner efficiently. Maintain the customer relationship after the sale is complete to ensure continued owner satisfaction with the organization and to develop future business opportunities (i.e., reloads, referrals, additional sales).


E duca ti on and E xpe r i e nce

R equ ir ed:

  • High school Education

  • Proficiency in English (additional language required for certain positions)

P r e f e rr e d :

  • One-year related experience

S uccess f ul C an d i da t es W i l l B e W il li ng T o:

  • Work in the evening (occasionally)

  • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays as required by business needs


B uilding and M a intaining C u stomer B ase

  • Answer owner questions regarding use of properties and location amenities; make recommendations given the background information obtained on the owner through discovery

  • Follow up on referrals/leads from owners.

  • Fulfill requests from owners or prospects regarding pricing, property maps, property descriptions, room locations, and portfolio/network information.

  • Contact owners to monitor satisfaction, make aware of upcoming promotions, and develop business opportunities (e.g., referrals).

  • Develop and maintain records on customer contacts and use that information to support effective follow-up opportunities.

  • Monitor contract processing to minimize rescission decisions, provide comprehensive owner assurance and ensure timeliness of closings

G iving S al e s Pr esentatio n s

  • Follow and adhere to the Consultative Sales Process when presenting to owners and guests.

  • Establish trust with the prospective owner and Owners throughout the entire sales process to build on-going rapport.

  • Discover the needs of prospective owners and Owners through a series of strategically layered questions/discussion and utilize the information to customize the sales presentation.

  • Provide prospective owners and Owners a Sales Gallery, Property and Model tour specific to their sales distribution site.

  • Explain the features, advantages and benefits of the product and advocate the appropriate amount of weeks/ points to accommodate the prospective owners and Owners current and future vacation needs.

  • Ensure clear understanding of finance options and present as an approach to ownership.

  • Prepare for daily appointments (e.g., review tour sheet, owner history, presentation details, etc.).

  • Follow up face-to-face guest interaction with email, phone, or mail correspondence and facilitates use of Vacation Ownership

  • Advisor.

  • Answer Owner and customer questions regarding product information, servicing issues, financing, maintenance, repairs, and appraisals.

  • Use, demonstrate, and/or coordinate virtual tour (e-Tour) software for guests

C onducting and M anaging B usiness T r an s actions

  • Assure complete and accurate processing of documents pertaining to sales.

  • Review details of contracts with prospective owners and Owners once they decide on purchase.

  • Thoroughly review loan applications and financial documents with the customer and ensure completed properly.

  • Work with Sales Management to minimize cancellations, provide comprehensive owner assurance and ensure timeliness of closings.

  • Analyze problems and formulate a strategy and plan to overcome challenges of getting work done quickly with a high degree of quality.

  • Complete purchase summary worksheet at end of each sale.

  • Reach out to and influence Legacy Owners and Every Other Year (EOY) Owners to enroll, upgrade and maximize all reload opportunities.

Pr oviding S e r vice to O the r s

  • Respond to and monitor the resolution of customer and Owner inquiries in a timely manner with accurate information

  • Leverage resources for providing service to guests and Owners (e.g., N.O.R.A ) in an effective manner

O ther

  • Manage time effectively to punctually attend daily team meetings, training sessions, and guest/owner appointments

  • Demonstrate total understanding of the culture and processes of the organization.

  • Improve sales presentation approach through self-development, practice, and lessons from the feedback provided by others.

  • Manager Coaches, Guests, Owners).

  • Participate in formal training sessions offered by management team. Attend daily huddles and regularly scheduled team/manager meetings.

  • Assist in the development and mentoring of other SalesExecutives as requested by Management.

  • Maintain an awareness of current events (e.g., news, sports, music) and information on site locations to enable and promote customer relationship building.

  • Perform other duties as assigned.

  • Understand and abide by 1998 Spanish Timeshare Act around all sales and/or marketing activity (i.e. Do Not Call Lists, etc.


L ea d e r s h ip

  • A d a pt a b ili t y - Maintaining performance level under pressure or when experiencing changes or challenges in the workplace.

  • C ommun ica t i o n - Conveying information and ideas to others in a convincing and engaging manner through a variety of methods.

  • Pr of e s si on al De m e a no r - Exhibiting behavioral styles that convey confidence and command respect from others; making a good first impression and representing the organization in alignment with its values.

  • Pr ob lem S o l v i n g a n d D e c isi o n M aki n g - Identifying and understanding issues, problems, and opportunities; obtaining and comparing information from different sources to draw conclusions, develop and evaluate alternatives and solutions, solve problems, and choose a course of action.

  • M a n a g i n g E xec ut i o n

    • Planning and supporting the development of individuals' skills and abilities so that youcan fulfill current or future job/role responsibilities more effectively.
  • P la nn i n g a n d O r g a n i z i n g - Gathering information and resources required to set a plan of action for self and/or others; prioritizing and arranging work requirements to accomplish goals and ensure work is completed in a timely manner.

**B** **u** **il** **d** **i** **n** **g Rela** **t** **i** **o** **n** **s** **h** **i** **p** **s**

  • C o w o r ker Re l a t i on s h i p s - Interacting with others in a way that builds openness, trust, and confidence in the pursuit of organizational goals and lasting relationships.

  • C u s tom er R ela t i on s h i p s - Developing and sustaining relationships based on an understanding of customer needs and actions

**L** **ea** **r** **n** **i** **n** **g a** **n** **d** **A** **p** **p** **l** **y** **i** **n** **g** **P** **e** **r** **s** **on** **al** **E** **x** **p** **e** **r** **t** **i** **s** **e**

  • A p p l i ed L e a r n i n g - Seeking out and making the most of learning opportunities to improve performance of self and/or others. Actively seeks and participates in learning activities; gains knowledge, understanding, and skill; applies knowledge or skill; welcomes performance feedback.

  • A p p l i ed B u si n ess K no w le dg e - Evaluating important aspects of the business to accurately diagnose strengths and weaknesses, anticipate opportunities and risks, identify issues, and develop strategies and plans. Aligning individual and team actions with strategies and plans to drive business results.

**Basic C** **omp** **e** **t** **e** **n** **c** **ies**

  • J o b S p e ci f ic C omput e r S kills - Using computer hardware and software specific to your role.

  • M a t h e m a t ical R eas on i n g - The ability to add, subtract, multiply, or divide quickly, correctly, and in a way that allows one to solve work-related issues.

  • Rea d i n g C omp r e h e n si o n - Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.

  • W r i t i n g - Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience

**Fun** **c** **t** **i** **on** **al J** **o** **b** **F** **a** **m** **i** **l** **y C** **o** **mp** **e** **t** **e** **n** **ci** **e** **s**

  • De v isi n g S a les A p p r o ac h es a n d S o l ut i on s - Trying different and novel ways to deal with sales challenges and opportunities; taking courses of action or developing sales solutions that appropriately consider available facts, constraints, competitive circumstances, and probable consequences.

  • S al e s C a ll F a cili t a t i o n - Ensuring that a call serves its sales objectives; maximizing the productiveness of interactions by monitoring and building on customers’ cues.

  • S al e s A b i l i t y : P e r s u a si ve n ess - Using appropriate interpersonal styles and communication methods to gain acceptance of a product, service, or idea from prospects and clients.

  • S al e s D i s po si t i o n - Demonstrating the traits, inclinations, and outlooks that characterize successful salespersons; exhibiting behavior styles that facilitate adaptation to the demands of the sales role.

  • S uppo r t i n g S a les I mp le m e nt a t i on s - Supporting customers during the implementation of sales contracts; seeking and taking appropriate actions on customer feedback; taking responsibility for customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • S al e s Oppo r tun i t y A n a l y s is - Understanding and utilizing economic, financial, industry, and organizational data; accurately diagnosing customers’ business strengths, weaknesses, and key issues that can inform sales strategies and plans.

Marriott Vacations Worldwide is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive culture.

Marriott Vacations Worldwide is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive culture
