Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY Assistant Professor of Agriculture- Rangeland Management in CEDAR CITY, Utah

Assistant Professor of Agriculture- Rangeland Management


Salary: See Position Description


Location: Cedar City, UT


Job Type: Full-time Faculty


Job Number: 202400019


Division: College of Health Sciences




FLSA: Exempt


Position Summary


The Department of Agriculture and Nutrition Science at Southern Utah University seeks applicants for a tenure track faculty position in rangeland management. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain and promote a regionally relevant program in rangeland management and provide an engaging educational experience to our undergraduate students. The Department of Agriculture and Nutrition Science provides a highly collaborative and supportive academic environment. Candidate tenure progress will benefit from collaboration with local leaders in range and natural resource management, including the Society for Range Management, Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Utah State University Extension Service and University of Arizona Extension Service.


Date of first consideration for applicants: 01/12/25


Essential Functions


• Teach and advise undergraduate students majoring in Agriculture with an emphasis in range management. Teaching assignment expected to include Range Management with lab, Wildland Plant Identification with lab, Rangeland-Ungulate Animal Relations, Wildland Ecology, Wildland Restoration with lab, Introduction to Natural Resources Management, Wildlife Ecology and Management, and Internships.

• Serve as the advisor to the SUU Range Club.

• Collaborate with colleagues to evaluate and accommodate changes and improvements in the Agriculture Program curriculum and facilities commensurate with the mission of the department, college, and university.

• Primary emphasis is on teaching, however, scholarly activity, professional commitment, and service are expected and required for advancement.

• Participate in agriculture program activities serving the agricultural community.

• Participate on department, college, and university committees as assigned.


Education & Experience


• Participate on department, college, and university committees as assigned.

• Ph.D. degree in Range Management or related discipline required for assistant professor rank. Candidates with an M.S. degree in Range Management or related discipline will be considered for the non-tenure track lecturer rank.

• Field and laboratory skills appropriate to the discipline.

• Applied experience in range/natural resource management, including familiarity with intermountain rangelands and livestock grazing is preferred.

• Demonstrated written and oral communication and interpersonal skills.

• Broad appreciation and general understanding of components of agriculture and natural resources.


Supplemental Information


This position is contingent upon funding. Desired start date for this position is August 16, 2025.

Salary: $58,000+


This position is contingent upon funding.


Southern Utah University does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, sex (including sex discrimination and sexual harassment), sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ancestry, disability status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, genetic information, military status, veteran status, or other bases protected by applicable law in employment, treatment, admission, access to educational programs and activities, or other University benefits or services. For more information or contact information, please visit https://www.suu.edu/nondiscrimination/.


To apply, please visit https://apptrkr.com/5879593




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