Experience Inc. Jobs

Job Information

Malone University Director of Financial Aid OMJST in Canton, Ohio


Job Title: Director of Financial Aid - OMJST


Worksite Location: 2600 Cleveland Ave. NW, Canton, OH 44709


Number of Openings: 1


How to Apply:


[]{#_Hlk150413487}APPLY DIRECT to Malone University using the following information:

  1. Send a cover letter, faith statement and resume with three references to jobs@malone.edu
  2. Fill out the Employment Application at:


  • [The Employment Application is a fillable PDF. Please complete the application, print and sign (no electronic signatures accepted), then send to]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold"=""}[ ]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold"=""}[jobs@malone.edu]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" text-decoration:="" underline;="" color:="" rgba(0,="" 0,="" 255,="" 1)"=""}

Please mention OhioMeansJobs Stark or Tuscarawas when applying to this employer.


Job Description: Malone University in Canton, OH, is hiring a full-time Director of Financial Aid.


Job Summary:

This position is responsible for leading the administration of an established financial aid program (federal, state and university funds) which includes overseeing the critical flow of all grant, loan and scholarship dollars while adhering to regulations with integrity, along with upholding the mission and vision of Malone University.


Essential Responsibilities:
